Children's Ministry


Sunday 10:00AM: sunday school | 11AM: Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30pm: BIBLE STUDY

wednesday night children's ministry

Each Wednesday night from 6:30 -7:30, our children's ministry has Bible study for our kids. While the adults are in their Bible study, our volunteers implant God's Word into the hearts of our children.  

sunday children's church

Our Pastor delivers a short, Biblically-based message to our children every Sunday morning.  All older children (K5 and up) stay in the service and learn to sit in church. Why? Ultimately, we are teaching our young people that Sunday morning is about worshipping the Lord.  Remember, in the words of Kyle Idleman, "what you win them with is what you win them to."

fun during the year

During the year we plan multiple events to have fun with and build relationships with our children.  From Vacation Bible School, special seasonal parties, to game nights!  Our faith family extends to the youngest members of our Church.  One of the benefits of a smaller church is the ability to make friends and not get lost in the "noise" of larger ministries.  Our children are the future,  we must disciple them to one day "take our place" and serve Christ's church.